Age Group
Creative Language Arts Volume 2 is a continuation of “Language Arts, Volume 1 –Losing Yourself in Academic Service.” This volume is on the same level of learning. Over 40 new principles are presented in this volume, and the student continues to use his/her academic skills in service projects.
This workbook is divided into four sections:
- Creative Use of Words
- Principles of Spelling (expanded from Volume 1)
- Parts of Speech and Grammar
- Principles of Punctuation
Creative Language Arts Volume 3 is a very different approach to Language Arts than the two previous volumes. Approximately 40 new principles of CREATIVE WRITING are presented in this volume, and the student continues to use his/her academic skills in service projects.
This student workbook is a guide for helping to learn — or improve — cursive writing. It begins with basic strokes for dexterity and progresses to letter forms, first lower case then upper case. Practice pages included. (70 pages)
This manual is a guide for helping students of all ages learn or improve their cursive writing. An accompanying workbook for each student is also available. (About 60 pages)
This book is a companion to the historical fiction novel “Daniel Dawsen — Son of Liberty.” Contains activities and pictures to color/paint which correlate with the story of America’s earliest history. (approx. 85 pages)
This student manual of “Days of the Living Christ” has been reformatted from the original book by W. Cleon Skousen. It is designed to provide the student with an in-depth study of the life of Christ. Answers to the blanks are in the back of the manual. (324 pages)
Volume 2 of Days of the Living Christ by W. Cleon Skousen continues Jesus’s incredible journey through His last week of life on earth, His Atoning sacrifice, his suffering on the cross, and his triumphant resurrection. His vital teachings and example will be life-changing for any reader. Fill-in-the-Blank workbook, about 250 pages.
This insightful book written by Eric N. Skousen traces the earth’s origins from long before it came into existence. The author also examines the surprising and significant effects of the Fall on the earth itself. For those who enjoy contemplating both science and revelation, this book will be extremely stimulating. NEW 2021 fourth edition available. About 400 pages
In 1981, Eldridge Cleaver spoke at the BYU Freedom Festival about his conversion from being the Marxist, atheist, spokesman for the Black Panther’s party, to being a Christian, freedom loving, Founding Father appreciating, patriotic American. It’s an amazing journey Eldridge took and an important one for us to learn from.
This manual, written and compiled by Glenn and Julianne Kimber, is used by Fun for Less Tours for their cruises to Panama. It tells of Roosevelt’s involvement in the Canal, malaria that killed thousands, and who figured out how to make ships climb mountains. Fascinating reading. (148 pages)
The I Love History 1800’s Set – (Ten volumes, one per decade) “Faith in Every Footstep,” is a study of the growth, freedom and expansion in the world, America, and the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Each volume is about 200 pages.
This student workbook is a companion to the ten Teacher Manuals — I Love History — 1800s “Faith in Every Footstep.” The workbook has activities, projects and information taught in the Teacher Manuals. Over 200 pages.
Ten hook dates cover the period of American History, beginning with the Magna Charta in AD 1215, and ending with George H. Bush’s presidency in 1991. Because this information is so extensive and important to a student’s understanding of our American Heritage, it is recommended that this volume be studied for 20 weeks instead of ten. (About 250 pages)
Ten hook dates cover the period of American History, beginning with John Wycliffe in AD 1215, and ending with Ronald Reagan’s presidency. This information is extensive and important to a student’s understanding of our American Heritage, it is recommended that this volume be studied for 20 weeks. (About 250 pages)
Written by Ivy L. Keyes, illustrated and formatted by Julianne S. Kimber, this 162-page cookbook will delight you with pioneer recipes and modern delicacies that you’ve always loved.