Math Masters – Parent/Teacher Guide


Math Masters is written for children ages 4 to 8, with an emphasis on having FUN with numbers and their application.   (109 pages)


Often, children develop a fear of math. Because the principles in this book are centered around fun with numbers, the hands-on learning experiences create high interest, and teach them that numbers can be applied to every part of their lives. In fact, the children will come to understand that the entire universe was organized by God as He arranged numbers into beautiful patterns.<p>

The four sections in this book cover the subjects of math that are most appealing to young children:

  • FUN WITH NUMBERS (Numeration)
  • FUN WITH MEASURING (Weights and Measures)

Each section is divided into approximately ten principles. When one principle is studied per week, the student would be able to complete the entire book in one school year.

Students can use Math Masters for two or more years, depending on interest and rate of progression.

Parents may wish to provide opportunities to relate the math principles in various activities throughout the day.

Pages in the book may be copied for immediate family use.

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .5 in
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