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Author Larry Hill has compiled 324 pages of the most significant quotes from the most eminent men and women in history. This book will be an excellent resource for preparing talks and also preparing our youth to live moral and prosperous lives by developing good character as well as a strong spiritual foundation. The wisdom of the ages is contained in this book. Pictures of the authors are throughout.
OUT OF STOCK. This book is no longer available on this website. Used copies can be purchased on Ebay or Amazon. This book is the text used for the Kimber Academy online class by Larry Hill, called “Our Fabulous Founding Fathers.” 258 pages, 5″ x 8″ Copyrighted in 2007, the softbound book is printed and produced by Encyclopedia Britannica, and is subtitled “The Essential Guide to The Men Who Made America.”
This manual is an excellent reference for Larry Hill’s classes “Our Fabulous Founding Fathers” and “The 5,000 Year Leap.” It is a supplement to the information taught in both classes and will enlighten any student about the exceptional life and travels of this great Persian Emperor who lived around the time of Lehi in the Book of Mormon. Our Founders studied and quoted Cyrus, for he set up a kingdom that banned slavery, honored religious freedom, and wrote the first human rights charter. Originally written by M. Ramsay in 1804 and printed in Paris, “The Travels of Cyrus” was reprinted by Textbook Publishers in 2007. (120 pages)