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(Ages 10 and up) An introductory section for parents is included in this student manual, which discusses various learning styles.

Ideas are suggested for teaching children who are visual, auditory, tactile or kinetic, thus improving parent/child communication. Because Language Arts is the “art of communication,” the 40+ principles presented in this volume center around “learning to serve.”


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Creative Language Arts Volume 2 is a continuation of “Language Arts, Volume 1 –Losing Yourself in Academic Service.”  This volume is on the same level of learning.  Over 40 new principles are presented in this volume, and the student continues to use his/her academic skills in service projects.

This workbook is divided into four sections:

  • Creative Use of Words
  • Principles of Spelling (expanded from Volume 1)
  • Parts of Speech and Grammar
  • Principles of Punctuation


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Creative Language Arts Volume 3 is a very different approach to Language Arts than the two previous volumes. Approximately 40 new principles of CREATIVE WRITING are presented in this volume, and the student continues to use his/her academic skills in service projects.


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Ten hook dates cover the period of American History, beginning with John Wycliffe in AD 1215, and ending with Ronald Reagan’s presidency. This information is extensive and important to a student’s understanding of our American Heritage, it is recommended that this volume be studied for 20 weeks. (About 250 pages)


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NEWLY REVISED AND UPDATED–2020!  Using this manual as a guide, students create their own science book by studying the five divisions of zoology outlined in Genesis of the Holy Bible.  Ages 10 and up.  (approx 100 pages)



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“How and Why God Created my Body” is the study of physiology for ages 10 – 18.  This guidebook offers approximately 50 vocabulary words for students to research, define, illustrate and explain in their own personal science book.  (Approx. 60 pages)


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Students will go through a study of the ten kinds of plants, and have hands-on experience with each of them. The introductory material is a study of the basic element of most plants – seeds. (Ages 10 and up; 73 pages)



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(Ages 12 and up)

The four divisions and the major vocabulary words in this guidebook are:  Earth’s Creation,  The Sea, The Land, and Earth’s Destiny.  Each section is full of learning exercises and projects for learning about the magnficent earth, God’s hand in it, and the reason for its creation.  (60 pages)



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The book is divided into ten divisions of study. All the basic research on the Universe will become a part of the student’s original textbook as they search the scriptures and define the vocabulary words. At the conclusion of their study, students are asked to answer the question: WHY did God create the universe?(Ages 12 and up; about 80 pages)



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Students use secular textbooks to DEFINE, EXPLAIN, and ILLUSTRATE the major vocabulary words in each of the ten divisions of Chemistry. They then use religious writings or scriptures of choice to study the spiritual use and symbolism of the basic elements in God’s kingdom.  At the conclusion of their study, students are asked to answer the question: WHY did God create “things?” (About 80 pages)


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Ten hook-dates of American History show God’s hand in the establishment of this country, its downfall and its hope.  Fill-in-the-blank workbook, 185 pages.


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This book is another in the hook-date series and presents the major events that shaped the religious values of America.

In the recent past, leaders in America have lost confidence in the Founding Fathers’ morally based philosophies and have replaced them with atheism. This generation needs to know the story of how this happened, so they can help re-establish the Founders’ success formula in America.


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