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This book is a companion to the historical fiction novel “Daniel Dawsen — Son of Liberty.” Contains activities and pictures to color/paint which correlate with the story of America’s earliest history. (approx. 85 pages)
The I Love History 1800’s Set – (Ten volumes, one per decade) “Faith in Every Footstep,” is a study of the growth, freedom and expansion in the world, America, and the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Each volume is about 200 pages.
Ten hook dates cover the period of American History, beginning with the Magna Charta in AD 1215, and ending with George H. Bush’s presidency in 1991. Because this information is so extensive and important to a student’s understanding of our American Heritage, it is recommended that this volume be studied for 20 weeks instead of ten. (About 250 pages)
This fill-in-the-blank student manual is the first of four volumes. It covers an in-depth study of the Founding Fathers of America and how they were led to write the inspired Constitution. Approx. 100 pages.
This fill-in-the-blank student manual is one of four volumes. It covers an in-depth study of the U.S. Constitution, plus the 27 amendments and how,when and why they were written. Approx. 100 pages.
This student workbook is a companion to the ten Teacher Manuals, I Love America 1900’s – Light of the World. Activities and historical pictures, maps and charts are contained in about 100 pages
OUT OF STOCK. This book is no longer available on this website. Used copies can be purchased on Ebay or Amazon. This book is the text used for the Kimber Academy online class by Larry Hill, called “Our Fabulous Founding Fathers.” 258 pages, 5″ x 8″ Copyrighted in 2007, the softbound book is printed and produced by Encyclopedia Britannica, and is subtitled “The Essential Guide to The Men Who Made America.”