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This DVD, with Glenn Kimber and the late Hartman Rector, Jr., shows the history of the Beit Lehi Excavation.   The students of Kimber Academy are shown discovering exciting ancient caves and artifacts dating back to 600 B.C., according to archaeologists.  30 minutes.


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In 1981, Eldridge Cleaver spoke at the BYU Freedom Festival about his conversion from being the Marxist, atheist, spokesman for the Black Panther’s party, to being a Christian, freedom loving, Founding Father appreciating, patriotic American. It’s an amazing journey Eldridge took and an important one for us to learn from.


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This packet includes a manual and 7 DVDs presented by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber.  The first 3 DVDs explain the 3 cycles of education in America. The remaining DVDs are intended to explain to parents and students the “why” of the Kimber Academy curriculum, the “how” it is organized, and the most effective way to teach the main core subjects. Each DVD is approximately 45 minutes.


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This DVD is a presentation by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber, President of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration. The vital principles in the U.S. Constitution are being threatened, if not destroyed, and Dr. Kimber explains why the Constitution must be restored to the Founding Father’s original intent and purpose in order to save our nation.


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This popular and vitally informative DVD is a presentation given by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber.  With this slide show presentation, Dr. Kimber explains what the Founding Fathers intended the Constitution should accomplish and then he shows specifically what happened that created a completely different Constitution — the laws which we are now living under in America.  The DVD gives the option of watching a shorter version, (also on YouTube), and a longer version of about 45 minutes.


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