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This activity book (designed for children and youth) is organized into the 28 principles of good government.  Included are drawings to color, fill-in-the-blank pages, songs, diagrams and other activities to help children absorb the Constitution’s principles of freedom.  162 pages.  The companion parent/teacher manual for teaching the principles is also available to purchase.

Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $19.95.

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This simplified version of W. Cleon Skousen’s popular “5,000 Year Leap” is formatted into lessons for families.  It can be adapted to any classroom.  Each principle is put into simple language and contains stories, or songs, games, activities, and role plays that demonstrate each of the 28 principles of freedom.  Emphasis is on God, Family, and the Constitution.  300 pages.   Comes with a free pocket Constitution.  An activity book is also available for purchase.

Original price was: $35.95.Current price is: $29.95.

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This manual contains all the songs composed and written by Julianne S. Kimber for the Kimber Academy curriculum and classes.  Subjects are New Testament, Book of Mormon, Miscellaneous Fun Songs, and America / Constitution.  100 Pages

(Music CDs of “I Love America Songs” and “Book of Mormon Songs” are also available to download on this site.)


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This manual is an overview of all five core subjects, as taught in the Kimber Academy schools, and used by thousands of home-taught families.  Each section shows the layout of the pages from various manuals, outlining the intrinsic values as applied to each subject.  130 pages


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Author Larry Hill has compiled 324 pages of the most significant quotes from the most eminent men and women in history.  This book will be an excellent resource for preparing talks and also preparing our youth to live moral and prosperous lives by developing good character as well as a strong spiritual foundation. The wisdom of the ages is contained in this book.  Pictures of the authors are throughout.



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NEWLY EDITED!  This historical novel has been expanded into three volumes.  Each volume contains end notes with accurate historical information about the actual events that happened in America during the 1700s.  The fictional Dawsen family experiences many of those events. Readers of all ages will enjoy the adventures, the excitement, and the difficulties of battling against the tyranny of King George III.

Original price was: $69.95.Current price is: $49.95.

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This packet includes a manual and 7 DVDs presented by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber.  The first 3 DVDs explain the 3 cycles of education in America. The remaining DVDs are intended to explain to parents and students the “why” of the Kimber Academy curriculum, the “how” it is organized, and the most effective way to teach the main core subjects. Each DVD is approximately 45 minutes.


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This DVD is a presentation by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber, President of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration. The vital principles in the U.S. Constitution are being threatened, if not destroyed, and Dr. Kimber explains why the Constitution must be restored to the Founding Father’s original intent and purpose in order to save our nation.


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Volume 3 of a four volume work on the Book of Mormon. Verse-by-verse study used in Brother Skousen’s BYU Book of Mormon classes. A whole new approach to an advanced study of the Book of Mormon. Alma 30 thru 3 Nephi 7.



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Volume 4 of a four volume work on the Book of Mormon. Verse-by-verse study used in Brother Skousen’s BYU Book of Mormon classes. A whole new approach to an advanced study of the Book of Mormon. 3 Nephi 8 thru Moroni 10.



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