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Influence of Religion in America — Student Edition

Ten hook-dates of American History show God’s hand in the establishment of this country, its downfall and its hope.  Fill-in-the-blank workbook, 185 pages.


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How and Why God Created Things – Chemistry

Students use secular textbooks to DEFINE, EXPLAIN, and ILLUSTRATE the major vocabulary words in each of the ten divisions of Chemistry. They then use religious writings or scriptures of choice to study the spiritual use and symbolism of the basic elements in God’s kingdom.  At the conclusion of their study, students are asked to answer the question: WHY did God create “things?” (About 80 pages)


How and Why God Created Plants — Botany

Students will go through a study of the ten kinds of plants, and have hands-on experience with each of them. The introductory material is a study of the basic element of most plants – seeds. (Ages 10 and up; 73 pages)



How and Why God Created Animals – Zoology

NEWLY REVISED AND UPDATED–2020!  Using this manual as a guide, students create their own science book by studying the five divisions of zoology outlined in Genesis of the Holy Bible.  Ages 10 and up.  (approx 100 pages)



How and Why God Created the Earth – Geology

(Ages 12 and up)

The four divisions and the major vocabulary words in this guidebook are:  Earth’s Creation,  The Sea, The Land, and Earth’s Destiny.  Each section is full of learning exercises and projects for learning about the magnficent earth, God’s hand in it, and the reason for its creation.  (60 pages)



How and Why God Created the Universe — Astronomy

The book is divided into ten divisions of study. All the basic research on the Universe will become a part of the student’s original textbook as they search the scriptures and define the vocabulary words. At the conclusion of their study, students are asked to answer the question: WHY did God create the universe?(Ages 12 and up; about 80 pages)



5000 Year Leap – Softbound Book

Discover the 28 Principles of Freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. Learn how adherence to these beliefs during the past 200 years has brought about more progress than was made in the previous 5000 years. These 28 Principles include The Genius of Natural Law, Virtuous and Moral Leaders, Equal Rights–Not Equal Things, and Avoiding the Burden of Debt. (Approx 350 pages)



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The Naked Capitalist – Student Edition

In “The Naked Capitalist”, Dr. W. Cleon Skousen reviews the book “Tragedy and Hope” written by Carroll Quigley, and reveals how some of the richest people in the world have supported communism and socialism.   This version has been reformatted in manual form with blanks for students and teachers.  About 100 pages.


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America’s Manifest Destiny

This manual presents the Founding Fathers’ beliefs in this great land and the principles they used to settle and establish our nation.  Dr. Glenn J. Kimber teaches a slide show presentation on DVD, which accompanies this Manual.


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The Two Faces of Music

In this presentation Dr. Glenn Kimber explains how music is used in two different ways — for good and for evil, plus how today’s modern music was created by scientists, what they discovered, and the reasons why it is so heavily promoted.


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5000 Year Leap Student Workbook

The 28 Great Ideas that changed the world are discussed at length in this fascinating principle-based student manual.  These true principles of good government will change your understanding of the Founders’ original Constitutional system.   Glenn Beck said:  “I beg you to read this book filled with words of wisdom which I can only describe as divinely inspired.  You will find answers to questions plaguing America, and most importantly you will find hope.”  (Fill-in-the-blank student manual –Approx 250 pages)


Hook Dates of The Book of Mormon, Vol 1

This is first of two volumes in a new in-depth approach to learning the Book of Mormon for older aged students (12 and up). Volume 1 covers five hook dates (2200 BC to 73 BC). Students go through both manuals three times each year.

First time through: Fill in the blank pages

Second time through: Highlight key words in articles

Third time through: Suggested activities and research projects


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